Author: Jeff Flynn (Jeff Flynn)

Leather Golf Bags – How to Care For Them

Leather Golf Bags – How to Care For Them

You’ve always bought the best golf equipment, drivers, irons, putter and wedges. Now, you’ve taken the plunge and bought yourself a really nice leather golf bag and you want to keep it in good condition. Leather golf bags don’t require a lot of maintenance but here are a few tips to keep your bag looking...

Golf Cart Battery Cables Exposed – Does Size Really Matter?

Golf Cart Battery Cables Exposed – Does Size Really Matter?

For gas powered carts, the cables need only be of sufficient size to operate the starter motor, which is only for a few seconds at a time. So that answer is no, the originally installed cables are plenty sufficient in size. For those of us who have the more plentiful, battery powered carts, the answer...

Scoliosis and Golf

Scoliosis and Golf

"Is scoliosis and golf a good idea?" That seems to be a recurring question in my practice. Before I address it, first consider "what is scoliosis?" Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine that is not supposed to be there. When you look at someone's spine is supposed to be straight without any curvatures or...

Golf Mats – What You Don’t Know Could Lead To Injuries

Golf Mats – What You Don’t Know Could Lead To Injuries

Nobody ever tells you about the dangers of hitting golf balls from a hard surface turf mat… Learning golf is hard enough – How much harder it is to play well if you’re trying to hit shots off a hard surface mat! You might as well practice hitting shots from a cart path. Why do...

Golf – Instantly Cure the Optical Illusion That Causes Your Slice

Golf – Instantly Cure the Optical Illusion That Causes Your Slice

Would you like to know the optical illusion that causes your golf slice and instantly cure it? Or, would you like to spend the rest of your life reading golf books and magazines and videos and wearing imbecilic “Tin Cup” contraptions never finding the cure to your dreaded golf slice until you go to Heaven...

Golf is called a Gentleman’s Game for Good Reason

Golf is called a Gentleman’s Game for Good Reason

Golf has long been known as a gentleman’s sport. This sport even has its very own rules of etiquette. Despite the common assumption that these rules of golf etiquette are all about maintaining the gentlemanly state of the game for the most part, they each have practical purposes. The general reasons behind the rules of...

Step-By-Step Instructions on Making Your Own Golf Driving Mat!

Step-By-Step Instructions on Making Your Own Golf Driving Mat!

Golf driving mats can be useful when it comes to improving your golf skills but not everyone who is on a tight budget can afford them. This is where the knowledge of building your own golf driving mat comes in handy. Making your own mat is not as difficult as you think! By following these...

Golf Solitaire Strategy Guide

Golf Solitaire Strategy Guide

Golf Solitaire (Sometimes also referred to as Forty Thieves) is a fun solitaire game, requiring great anticipation, and a good degree of luck. Whilst it is not possible to win every game, there are certain strategies you can use to greatly increase your chances of winning Golf Solitaire, and this article will go into some...

Men’s vs Ladies Golf Bags

Men’s vs Ladies Golf Bags

Golf is a really popular game both for men and women. In fact a recent survey estimated that nearly 6 million women play golf each year in the United States which accounts for 22% of the total number of golfers playing each year. Given the successes of many young female golfers, this upward trend is...

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Date night live events and tournaments at The Club at the Highlands in Archbald, just a short drive from Scranton